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Track Federal & Ohio Legislation
BillTrack50 - Track Legislation in Process in Ohio & Other State Legislatures (free accounts available)
Third-Party Information Source
What We Do: We strive to make complicated legislative information as accessible as possible. Search results from all states and Congress are presented in an easy to understand grid that includes links to more detailed information. We present congressional bills in the same format across all states. We also provide full contact details for all current legislators to encourage citizens to get involved. Our Business Model BillTrack50 offers both a free and a paid service to help you with following legislation. Our genuinely free service allows citizens to search by keyword or bill number to discover and review an unlimited number of state and federal bills. Unlimited free access to bill data is fundamental to the working of our sharing tools and is fundamental to our mission. It won’t be going away. BillTrack50 does not sell your data to third parties or accept paid advertising. We make our money from our subscription services. • Why We Are Special: BillTrack50 wants it to be easy to share important bills with others. We provide a consistent, permanent version of every bill, making links to our bill pages ideal for citizens to share on social media or journalists to use in stories. BillTrack50’s more powerful paid tools are available by subscription and allow for saving searches, receiving alerts, and collaborating internally. But we think what really sets us apart are our simple, elegant widgets for sharing and following legislation online. These tools are designed for organizations that need to keep others, including the general public, informed about congressional bills as they progress.
Launched in 2004, GovTrack helps everyone learn about and track the activities of the United States Congress. You can see what legislation has been sponsored by who, whether it was enacted, or what eventually happened with it. You can determine if a member of Congress is taking up valuable space, or having an impact.
Go here to find information on legislation working its way through both chambers of the Ohio Legislature, also known as the Ohio General Assembly (House & Senate).